Author Chat: Jenna Barwin – via 5 PHOTOS on Mundus Media Ink

Michelle Rene Goodhew at Mundus Media Ink posted an author chat with Jenna Barwin. Click here. I liked how the five photos emphasized the chat responses, for instance, the prompt:   “Something that represents something unique about you.” Barwin’s answer, “I shoot underwater photography. Recently, I considered whether there was a link between the sea […]

Who Is The Storyteller In Your Family?

In my family, my  mother’s sister is the best storyteller. I haven’t seen Aunt Marian, who lives in Washington, for fifteen years until this week when she came for a visit. We all settled in to hear her tell and retell stories about all of us and experiences from her life. She is 91 years […]

Get-It-Done Mastermind Group by Tamara Monosoff

Tamara Monosoff’s new mastermind starts in three days!  One opening left. She won’t be offering it again for a while. Here is her invitation. The Get-it-Done Mastermind Group starts this Wednesday, April 19th. I can’t wait! There is still ONE SPOT LEFT. The first person to sign up, gets the spot. If you are one […]

Quote From Wayne Burgraff VS. Mark Twain Quote

At 2:35 today, I sent the manuscript for my new book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans to the press. Here is a quote that I deleted as I went over the final draft. I had several quotes and this one was the easiest to delete. Important quote but it’s not quite to my point. […]

Why Teach Empathy to Preschoolers

ALK3R shared an article today about why preschoolers should be taught empathy. Why We Should Teach Empathy to Preschoolers I’m curious what you think. Please let me know in comments. On my other blog, I posted ALK3R again with his article about the Evolution of Gratitude. Click here if you want to read it. Julaina Kleist-Corwin […]

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