Live Streaming Video About Hooks in Writing and Speaking

Daylight Savings Time caught me in a missed opportunity.  Tamara Monosoff and members of the 7 Day  Live Streaming Video challenge  were to meet up on Zoom at 9 in Sunday morning. Several of us forgot to change our clocks  so we were an hour late and missed it. We drowned our sorrow by getting on with the streaming and doing another BeLive. Here’s mine on using hooks in writing and speaking.


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2 thoughts on “Live Streaming Video About Hooks in Writing and Speaking

  1. Hi Julaina,

    This is great! I’m so happy you’ve decided to start live streaming (something I’d like to try in the future). I am wondering, from the information you provided, if this applies to my book, and if you think I need to work on this. You’ve reviewed it through to chapter six so far and I’m afraid that all I’m providing is information and not connecting with my audience. I would love to take your course, maybe we can work that in somehow.

    Again, great job for your first run, totally inspired by you 🙂

    1. Thanks, Michelle. When my course is done, I’d love to have you in it.

      Live streaming is fun and easy to learn with BeLive. There are other live sites to use but the biggest advantage of BeLive is if you hold up anything with writing, it will not be reversed for the viewer as it is with other systems. I can help you through the basics that I’ve just learned, plus BeLive has great tutorials.

      The videos that you make from the live streaming can be repurposed like, I could use mine in my book with embedded QR codes.

      If you need more info about embedding the QR codes, I’ll pass it on. Yes, I think it would be fun to have some videos inside your book. They wouldn’t have to be from your live streaming but any videos you want to make relevant to the great info you offer.

      Email me with any questions you have.

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