Live Stream Challenge Video On International Women’s Day

Day 3 of the live stream challenge didn’t result in a creation from me. However, I watched fellow streamers’ videos and thought I’d share Linda Kroll’s. Click here. What I liked about her information was when she said, “Wherever we set our intentions and then put attention towards it, that’s when miracles happen.”


She added the importance to make yourself a priority and to think of something to do for yourself each day.

Kroll’s video is timely since it’s International Women’s Day. In Berkeley where I worked in my husband’s office, I was greeted by several people wishing me a Happy Women’s Day. A Peet’s Coffee staff member gave me a dollar off my drink for the occasion.

Did you celebrate?


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog

Posts created 283

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