Seven Day Challenge to Live Stream

No Live Stream again today but  here’s a quote to help me feel like at least I’m doing half of my challenge. The idea is to do live stream with a call to action back to my blog or any of my sites. My theme for the 7 posts is communication.

To do live streams has been a goal of mine for almost a year. Not only live stream but adding videos to my sites. I attended a retreat given by Hans and Cindy from Lucidity Productions who demonstrated the equipment to use and helped us create short videos for practice. Click here for their 2  minute video with interesting statistics.

In March 2016, Forbes published an article called, “The State and Future of Live Video and the Rise of Real-Time Creators and Audiences click here. Communicating with videos and live streaming is a trend that isn’t going away.

These two days I’ve had family health emergencies so live streaming was put on hold. Tomorrow is another day.  See you then.

If you’ve done videos, feel free to put the URL of your favorite one in the comment section.


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog

Posts created 283

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