Self-Published Books At Bookstores

Good news for self-publishing. Click here .  I plan to take Written Across the Genres to B&N and see if they will put it on a shelf.     Rakestraw Books in Danville, California will take self-published books on consignment.         Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of […]

Which Three U.S. Presidents Died On July 4th?

On July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both passed away. Six years later on July 4, 1831, James Monroe, the fifth president died at the age of 73. Newspapers reported about the remarkable coincidence that three revolutionary presidents passed on July 4th. New York’s Journal […]

Scandal, Lady Gaga, Carol Bly Postings For Information

“Scandal” was one of the shows we watched on Thursday nights for a couple of years. I admire Kerry Washington as an actor. We were surprised to learn “Scandal” won’t be on this September. However, I found a YouTube (see below) which might give the reason why, plus it hinted that the show will be […]

Write An eBook In A Weekend

The calendar said it was June, but it felt like November during National Novel Writing Month. A 50,000 word novel in 30 days is intense. I’ve done it for about five years and I’m still editing those books. Hada’s Fog which I am blogging here came from NaNoWriMo (see menu above). Donna Kozik’s Write an […]

Funny Quote About Authors Found On Instagram

I’m new to Instagram, but I like it. I follow a writer, Dan Alatorre, who posted this funny definition that fits me and probably many of you.     “Authors: the only people willing to work early in the morning, at lunch, evenings, weekends, holidays, and often late into the night – to escape working […]

Lauren Pomerantz Sings Ho’oponopono And On PBS

My friend Lauren Pomerantz wrote the music for Ho’oponopono. Her PBS TV show “Lauren’s Mystical Musical Travelogue” is now on the internet, here is the link: The song “Take Me In, where I begin” is one of my favorites of hers. Enjoy.     Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of […]

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