The Fast & Easy Way to Build Your Website

        Hi Everyone, One of the biggest mistakes I see business owners make on a DAILY basis is they put one of the most important tools for growing their business into someone else’s hands… Their website. And 9 times out of 10, the designer or webmaster you hire won’t really understand how […]

The Linguistic Genius of Babies

Interesting info about babies learning languages. On my other blog, check out Alison Gopnik’s TED Talk about What Babies Think. “Babies have more of a lantern of consciousness than a spotlight.” Click here.     Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of Hada’s Fog

Agonizing Website Mistakes

        Hi Everyone, If you you don’t consider yourself a “techie” person, the very idea of having a website might feel like a big headache. Where do you begin? Do you try to figure out how to do it yourself? Do you hire someone else to do it for you? How do […]

Do You Want a Website or Blog?

My amazing friend, Christina Hills, has just released a new resource designed specifically to help you design your own website that works for you. It’s called the Do-It-Yourself Website Creation Checklist. In it you will discover exactly which pages you need to include if you want to attract your new clients. And Christina also […]

Expect Miracles Today and Every Day

Happy Sunday, I hope you are having a miraculous time. If not, create it.             One miracle today involved my husband and I working together to clean clutter from a kitchen cabinet and he went on to super clean the refrigerator. Another miracle, I found two important lost items in […]

Images of Cities Before and After Sea Level Rises

Click here if you want to see what some cities will look like after sea level rises. The information is from a new study published in the July issue of Science. Here’s one example: Washington Monument, Washington D.C.  Before           After

Joe Dispenza On How To Create Your Day

Those of you who saw the movie What the Bleep will understand why I love this video from Joe Dispenza. Let me know in the comment section if you know about Dispenza and if you create your day. Perfect practice for writers too. On my other blog, I have a short video by Norman Doidge […]

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