Vote For Hada’s Fog Book Cover

The fog photo I’ve been using to blog my novel, Hada’s Fog was one I Googled in free images. Vikiana on Fiverr designed the two book covers I’ve posted here.   This first one could be a younger Hada.         This second one has an older person’s type of dress which […]

Quotes About Writing

 Catherine Brady says in Story Logic and the Craft of Fiction, “Rather than reduce motive to a single explanation, the real problem you face is to compound motive rather than declare it–To know how not to know.”   Gertrude Stein once said of the writing process, “It will come if it is there and if […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter 12, Scene 2 Has Been Posted

  I have posted Chapter 12, Scene 2 in Hada’s Fog. See menu above. Hada’s grandchildren, Esther and Judi, are minor characters yet their actions move the plot along. They appear in previous scenes and in this one for the reader to know their personalities and to care about them in future scenes when they […]

2016 San Francisco Writers Conference Begins February 10

 The annual San Francisco Writer’s Conference open-to-the public free events are listed below: These great events will be at the Mark Hopkins Hotel during the San Francisco Writers Conference and we invite you to come check them out. The SFWC Exhibit Hall in the lobby is also open to the public from 9 a.m. to […]

Content Is Key For Success In Writing

  Content well written and with passion is the key for success in writing. Successful content might be determined by the reasons you write. Why do you write? For money For fame For entertainment To inspire To spark curiosity To inform To heal Maybe you have other reasons, however, if your intentions are to have […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter Twelve Is Posted

Hada’s Fog, Chapter Twelve, Scene One is posted, see menu above. Lev meets Laurence Gottfried Esq. who, in Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey, is the ally/helper in Hada’s story. Since Gottfried is a retired attorney, we learn why he is determined to help Abe.           FYI  On this site I had […]

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