It’s Tax Time

    I worked on taxes most of the day and evening while I listened to the rain and wished I was reading a good book instead. It will take a few more hours to get everything done. Brian Klems at Writers Digest wrote an article regarding writers paying taxes. He states, “If you’re a […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter Fourteen Is Posted

Hada’s Fog Chapter Fourteen: Scene 2 is posted. Please see menu above.   Hada drives into town without Lev during the first snow of the season, which melts as soon as it touches the car. He is left to eat lunch alone in the kitchen. I will not post Chapter Fifteen since I’ve written it […]

A New Facebook Banner Is Posted On My Author Site

    My Facebook Author site needed upgrading so I took down the Machu Picchu photo I had used for a few years.  I replaced it with a banner from Viviana at Fiverr that I ordered a few days ago. She designed my Hada’s Fog book cover and I’m pleased with the Facebook banner she […]

Quotes About Rain

It  rained today, yesterday, and Saturday here in the San Francisco Bay Area. I’m  celebrating, not only because it will help the drought conditions, but because I love the rain.                                                

Hada’s Fog Chapter 14: Scene One Is Posted

Hada’s Fog, Chapter 14: Scene One is posted today.  See menu above for the novel’s page.       From Lev’s point of view, we see Hada distancing herself from him.  Chapter 15 will be from her point of view and we will learn how her attitude is changing. In Berkeley, we knew she was […]

Writer Friends Meet Once A Year At the Mark Hopkins Hotel For The SFWC

            The San Francisco Writers Conference at the Mark Hopkins Hotel brings writers back together annually. With all the excitement of meeting editors and agents and learning from presenters, the bonus is to reconnect with dear friends. Neva Hodges and Sheila Bali pictured here with me were in my writing […]

Look For The Promise In A Story

In my writing class today, we talked about the story’s promise. A few members brought in novels and read the promise on the first page, often in the first paragraph. I asked if the author followed up with the promise to the end. They assured me the authors did. The examples were across genres, a […]

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