Hada’s Fog Chapter Seventeen Scene One Is Posted

      Hada’s Fog Chapter Seventeen Scene One is Posted. See the menu bar above.       In this chapter, Hada and Lev are back in Berkeley at Samuel’s house. Since Hada questioned her role as a wife in New Jersey, she is impatient,  irritable, and cold. The grandchildren, previously minor characters, will […]

Easter Holiday Across the Genres

Easter has many meanings for people. If we look at it as a holiday in a short story or novel, it can become a story prompt, symbol, or mystery. For example look at the photos here and listen to your muse.                             […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter Fifteen Is Posted

Hada’s Fog Chapter Fifteen Scene Two is posted. See menu bar above to find it.           The last scene in Chapter Fifteen continues in Lev’s  perspective. His stress is making him ill.  Hada doesn’t believe what Bira told Lev, but when she hears it from Samuel, she wants to scream. Since […]

How Do You Prepare For Taxes?

  The meeting with our tax accountant is tomorrow. I sorted, listed, and double checked the year’s receipts and check amounts in one torturous yesterday. I have a decorative bag in which I put each possible deduction receipt and note until the next year’s tax time. Other people I know prepare every month by using […]

Chapter Fifteen In Hada’s Fog Is Posted

Chapter Fifteen in Hada’s Fog is posted. See the menu above for the book’s page.   I did not post Chapter 16 because I’ve made it a short story that I submitted for publication and I don’t want it to be rejected because I posted it here. A quick summary is that Hada shops in […]

A Story Prompt For Fiction Writers

Today in the writing class I teach, I had planned to give the members a writing prompt, but instead, we analyzed a short story in The Writers Digest Writing Competition Collection.  Here is the prompt in case anybody would like to give it a whirl.     Rachael, normally a deep sleeper, woke to the […]

A Story’s Promise Involves A Human Need

In a previous post, I explained the difference between a hook and a promise .  The  promise, directly or indirectly or through metaphor, is  on the first page of a story.  If you want to review the examples I gave click here. The promise runs through the novel or short story to a satisfying resolution. […]

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