Bring In A Happy New Year 2017!

  I posted holiday greetings on my Facebook page but didn’t make it to writing a post here. I hope you all had fun and will have more fun on this big, bright night. Last week, we enjoyed visits from members of my husband’s family who came out from New Jersey. December 27th was the […]

Plan Your Year: Nonfiction Writing Prompt #52 by Nina Amir

Check out Nina Amir’s blog post: Write Nonfiction NOW! Inspiring You to Make a Positive and Meaningful Difference–and a Career–with Your Words Plan Your Year: Nonfiction Writing Prompt #52 – 2016-12-28 03:17:36-05 The most successful nonfiction writers know the value of planning. Whether you are writing a blog post, an essay, an article, or […]

Grace Paley, a “combative pacifist and a cooperative anarchist”

    In an interesting article written by Leora Skolkin-Smith, she states: “Grace Paley was a known pacifist and, also, a famous short story-writer. She enjoyed being referred to as a “combative pacifist and a cooperative anarchist”. “Grace Paley was not extreme in either her pacifism or her sense of government as reliably unreliable in […]

Using Trance To Get Ideas For Novels And Poems By Mary Mackey

The following post is re-blogged from Mary Mackey’s site. To read more, click here. Using Trance To Get Ideas For Novels And Poems Posted: 08 Dec 2016 05:00 AM PST Mining Your Unconscious Using A Simple Trance Technique Your unconscious is packed with ideas, metaphors, visions, plots, dreams, colors, characters, emotions—in short, everything you need […]

Last Wednesday Visual Story Prompt In November By Mundus Media Inc.

Ready for a magical visual story prompt from Mundus Media Inc? Click here for more prompt info and to learn about Michelle’s offers for book covers, logo design, branding, book marketing ads, etc.                   Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of Hada’s Fog (soon […]

Unusual Churches and Temples Posted by ALK3R

Happy Sunday Everyone, Looking for unusual settings for your stories? The link for the 25 photos ALK3R posted is below with one example from Belgium that is my favorite. On my other blog, I enjoyed seeing the 400 Year old Colonial church that emerged from a reservoir “as if it was a ghost attempting to […]

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