Bring In A Happy New Year 2017!


I posted holiday greetings on my Facebook page but didn’t make it to writing a post here. I hope you all had fun and will have more fun on this big, bright night.

Last week, we enjoyed visits from members of my husband’s family who came out from New Jersey. December 27th was the one-year birthday of his niece’s baby. Our daughter, Ariana, turns twenty today and my birthday is tomorrow. Nope, not going to tell which number it is.

The last couple days I’ve been writing poems and a short story for our Tri-Valley Writers’ Club Winterfest Ekphrasis entries due today, of course. To see the art click here.

And, with Donna Kozic‘s and Lisa Bloom‘s help to get me to get things done, I worked on the intros to my repurposed essays that will be in an eBook and printed book. The title is not confirmed yet. I might ask your help with selecting a title from the pages of possibilities I have–next post, maybe.

Linda Todd, my editing friend, and I got it  published mid-January, 2017.

No confusion about the date. In a group I led for many years, we began to say New Year confirmations instead of intentions. Since time is not linear we stated the goals as completed. We’d clap as we said, “It is done, it is done, It IS done.” Try it, it works.







Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog (published in March, 2017)

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