Happy Thanksgiving And a Bit Of History

thanksgiving-cornucopiaHow many of you are busy in the kitchen preparing a feast with love for you guests?  I have cooked more turkeys than I can count over the years but the last few Thanksgivings, we’ve gone out for our meal.  We experimented with several restaurants and finally found one we like the best. We return there as a new holiday tradition.

Did you know that turkey was not on the first Thanksgiving table? If you want to know what was on the menu, click here.

I’m thankful that I don’t have to stand in the kitchen for hours today, however, I miss the left-overs. I prefer to be a vegetarian but my body needs meat protein. Turkey is my favorite. What do you like the best? thanksgiving-sign-give-thanks

Enjoy the day, the company, the food, and

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One thought on “Happy Thanksgiving And a Bit Of History

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you. So, where is this wonderful place you have found to have Thanksgiving dinner every year? I am thankful for my son and daughter in law. Going to their house for dinner and football seems to have become our new tradition over the last few years.

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