Have you participated in NaNoWriMo, which means National Novel Writing Month? The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. You send your inner critic on vacation to Hawaii and you write to reach that word count. Does it seem like an impossible task?
I’ve participated for about 10 years and during that time, I succeeded with drafts of several novels. One I’m blogging here, Hada’s Fog, and it will be published within a couple of months. Another one, Eva in the Haight, is in the so-called drawer waiting for an audience plus many revisions. Lilli is in need of multiple rewrites but is not in the drawer. She still has hope, depending on how Hada’s Fog is received. Lilli is one of the antagonists in Hada’s story and insists on her view of life. Norman in the Painting is about three fourths done and waiting for me. The other two novels are still messy drafts with no real path.
The frenzy in keeping up the word count along with thousands of other NaNo writers is inspiring and fun. Check it out click here.
So what’s this year’s topic?
Snippets of Time, the importance of storytelling.