Last Chance: Free Website Webinar For Non-Techies

christina-hills-enroll-nowAre you interested in learning how to create your own website? If yes, please keep reading…

Tomorrow my good friend, Christina Hills is leading a FREE live webinar where she will show you just how easy it is to create your own website, fast.


During this live webinar, you will discover…

How you can fire your designer and easily build a site yourself in WordPress
(yes, you can do this!)

WordPress Theme Designs and how to find a beautiful one for your website.

How to make changes to your site on the go, in just minutes.

How to never be dependent on a designer or tech-person ever again.

Not a designer?

Not a techie?

Then this webinar is definitely for you!

Already have a WordPress site, but not sure how it works?

You can join Christina too, and she’ll demystify WordPress for you!

Go here to register now…

Julaina Kleist-Corwin, Editor of Written Across the Genres

P.S. Christina loves working with non-techies and she knows how to explain tech stuff in ways you can easily understand.
Sign up for her free webinar here:

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