Do You Want a Website or Blog?

christina-hills-photoMy amazing friend, Christina Hills, has just released a new resource designed specifically to help you design your own website that works for you.

It’s called the Do-It-Yourself Website Creation Checklist.

In it you will discover exactly which pages you need to include if you want to attract your new clients.

And Christina also shares her advice on which pages you can wait until later to create, because she knows one of the biggest hurdles to leap for entrepreneurs like us is getting overwhelmed by too much to do!

Check it out!

>> CLICK HERE for your free Website Creation Checklist

P.S. If you need a new website or want to get the one you have producing better results, I highly recommend you see what Christina has to say in her free video and download Available tomorrow). What I love about Christina is she makes technical subjects so easy to understand.

>> Click here to get your free website checklist.

The checklist is free and worth having. I signed up for her course and find her knowledgeable and supportive.


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog


Posts created 283

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