Multiple Projects Can Get Out Of Hand


I’m a Type A personality, always busy, never bored.  A writing friend calls me Nutzoid when I take on another project. She’s right.  A cliche says “proof is in the pudding”, for me “proof is in the projects on my plate right now”  (yes, another cliche and one in the title).  Sometimes it’s fun to break the cliche rule.


My writing projects:

  • Blogging a completed novel, Hada’s Fog, chapter-by-chapter about once a week.
  • A multidimensional novel, Norman in the Painting,  half written
  • A YA novel, Lilli. with only chapter one done
  • An anthology, Choices, needs polishing
  • Newest book, Spotlight Stories, in planning stage

Part-time jobs:

  • Two days a week help my husband in one of his offices
  • Two days a week, one hour each, work with a dear SMH student
  • One half day a week teach a writing class 45 minutes away
  • One half day every other month supervise a student intern working on a teaching credential
  • One afternoon a month volunteer leading a social media group
  • Write when I can
  • Daily interact in multiple social media sites
  • Promote my anthology, Written Across the Genres

Here is the real Nutzoid part:

I have enrolled in 5 high-end, year-long, on-line programs with homework involved.

computer not laptop


I have faith that everything will get done at the right time because I love doing all that I do.



Are you a Type A? What are your projects?


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog

Posts created 283

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