How Do You Deal With Clutter?

clutter is delayed decisions

clutter better than idle neatnessToday I thought I’d clear one of the piles of books behind my desk. That one pile led to three more and now I have one corner cleared.

I had procrastinated. At least I knew what was in those piles. I rationalized that if organized, I might not be able to find anything because it would be in a new place.

clutter empty desk empty mindThe open area I created today, reduced claustrophobia, but there’s no danger of having an empty desk. I’ve cleared it before and in less than a couple days, it’s filled again. So, Albert Einstein, I will not have an empty space, but I don’t want a cluttered mind. I’m determined to finish this project.


clutter needs to goclutter clearing creates miracles











I’m ready for miracles.





How are you doing with clutter?


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Written Across the Genres

Author Hada’s Fog

Posts created 283

4 thoughts on “How Do You Deal With Clutter?

    1. Words of wisdom, Lani. 🙂 However, it sounds like: keep up with it or it gets worse but don’t expect to win the ideal of No More Clutter?

  1. Clutter is my bain. Well, it’s easy to make one big pile out of several small ones giving the illusions of organization. I usually wait until I can’t stand it, then go into a frenzy of organization. Never keep up on a daily basis. Ditto with cleaning out email.

    1. Ah, I know those illusions. I’m good at them. Frenzy is right. I’m in one right now.

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