Visiting Las Vegas in 115 Degree Heat

heat thermometerVacation time for me meant I’d accompany my husband to Las Vegas where he’d attend a conference and I could read, write, walk, and be spontaneous. Our plans materialized except we didn’t anticipate over 100 degree heat each of the five days we were there. Fortunately, the heat is dry and tolerable. I’m amazed to say I could function in those temperatures since anything over 90 in the Bay Area sends me close to heat exhaustion. I even walked ten miles one day. I’d walk through the air-conditioned hotels along the strip until I had to go outside to enter another one. Not all of them are connected. I enjoyed the adventure. And people watching gave me several ideas for new characters in my writing.

I’ll post more about the trip in the future.

For those of you who are reading Hada’s Fog, I will post another chapter soon.


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog

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