Author Jessica Barksdale Inclan Retreat

Jessica with book You Are Never Alone
Author and teacher Jessica Barksdale Inclan

Jessica Barksdale’s writing retreat starts tonight. I haven’t missed her annual event in about 5 years. It’s close to home so no airplanes, buses, or trains to get there. She’s a great cook, has a lovely home among the trees, and has a great sense of humor. She gives us new writing information and time to process and write. I enjoy the other writers who attend, reading their work, plus sharing supportive critiques.

Jessica was one of my first creative writing instructors at Diablo Valley College about fifteen years ago. I learned short story writing that led me to win awards in contests and acceptances in several anthologies. She also teaches novel writing at UCLA, edits manuscripts, and has traditionally published over 15 contemporary fiction books.  Click here



Jessica in flowered top










Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog

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