Quotes About Photography

photography camera on booksPhotography like a typewriterPhotography like a character






Photography is the witness photography holds a moment Photo is good knowing where to stand






Photography can't be contained in wordsphotography bird behind him

Grace Cathedral Ribbons with lights B
Streams of  lighted ribbons in Grace Cathedral

This photo I took a few years ago. It’s not my best, but I like it.

“Graced by Light,” Anne Patterson hung 20 miles of multi-colored ribbons from the ceiling of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and illuminated them,

To see more photos of this event click here.









Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog

Posts created 283

One thought on “Quotes About Photography

  1. Cool idea tying photography and writing together. Works well, doesn’t it?

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