Our Attention Spans Are Decreasing

Surfing the web over globeAs I was surfing the web today, I copied the following quote and forgot where I found it.

“According to a study done by Microsoft this year, it was determined that the average human attention span is 8 seconds.

It’s gone from 12 seconds, which was reported in 2000, to 8 seconds in which you have to grab your prospect’s attention.”

I have noticed that I don’t read  on-line articles or blog posts if they are longer than a couple paragraphs unless the information is a class I’m taking.  My new habit is to skim or read the first sentence in each paragraph and then move on.

I think my 8 seconds is up for this post. See you tomorrow.


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog

Surfing the web on a monitor


Posts created 283

8 thoughts on “Our Attention Spans Are Decreasing

  1. The article appears on medical daily (and probably other places). Kind of weird that you forgot where you saw and article about reduced attention span. I find that I am skimming things more and more. I doubt if I’ve ever read as fast as I do now. There’s just way too much. One cannot focus on anything without something else clamoring for attention.

  2. You lost me on “According to a study done by Microsoft this year, it was determined that the aver….

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