Lisa Sasevich Bootcamp At Paradise Point Resort in San Diego Was Awesome

Lisa Sasevich and me
Lisa Sasevich and me

I’m back from Paradise Point Resort in San Diego where I enjoyed several days at Lisa Sasevich’s Bootcamp. The cold, gray weather didn’t diminish the tropical environment. In the evening I’d walk from the conference building to my cottage, which was between the swimming pool and the ducks’ pond. Shuttles were available, but I like to walk.  The fearless mallard ducks greeted me each morning and followed me for a few paces.

Paradise Island used to be called Vacation Village. It’s a popular place for conferences.  Couples or families also visit to swim, kayak, bicycle around the island, canoe, and participate in other activities.



On the shuttle from the airport to Paradise, I met Jan King from San Antonio, Texas. After putting our luggage in our cottages, we went to dinner at the Barefoot Grill where Jan took this selfie. Since the event included lunch each day, Jan and I had dinner at the Barefoot every night. The shuttle driver corrected me when I called the grill Big Foot. Jan King and Me at dinner first night







Later the first evening, Ed and Satore networked with us. Satore, on my right, is a member of Lisa Sasevich’s Mastermind and answered some of our questions about it.

Ed Satore Jan King and Me





The last night three attendees we hadn’t met yet joined us. Jody Gundersen, next to Jan, is a writer from my home state, Wisconsin. In the bay behind us,  a little shark with a yellow fin, swam close enough to pet which no one did, of course.

Five of us in a row before lunch




The photo below is our last lunch and our last photo, but Jan and I plan to Skype and work together on  Lisa’s five steps for giving a talk. Then we will organize a transformative speaking event in a state midway between Texas and California, maybe Las Vegas. I’ll let you know when that happens so you can join us.

Jan King and Me last day by water at lunch

Posts created 283

5 thoughts on “Lisa Sasevich Bootcamp At Paradise Point Resort in San Diego Was Awesome

  1. What an amazing opportunity. I want to hear more about the sessions and what you learned. Hope that’s coming in future blogs.

    1. I learned that my interest in speaking at events takes preparation and Lisa Sasevich is my kind of teacher. Now I just have to do the work to be ready. 🙂

      Let’s meet for lunch in June.

  2. So happy you shared your event. Let me know when the speaking events is scheduled!

    1. Hi Sally, As I delve more into the process, I realize it will be a while before we are ready for an event. But I certainly will let you know.

  3. Looks like you had a ball and met lots of folks. Can’t wait to hear some details. BTW I finished The Sensory Deception. Very compelling…

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