Hada’s Fog Chapter Nineteen

Hada cover youngThe complete nineteenth chapter of Hada’s Fog is posted. See menu above.








mother and daughter in shadowSamuel’s phone call to Bira causes heightened emotions that makes Hada  remember her mother’s rages and abuse toward her. She knows she has to let go of past fears and help her daughter-in-law and granddaughters.

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4 thoughts on “Hada’s Fog Chapter Nineteen

  1. “One at a time, Hada stepped out of her slippers and into her shoes.” If you know someone who can do this in any other way, while standing, I would like to meet that person.

    I am enjoying the tension that keeps building in your story. Hada’s willful denial of the situation that is staring her in the face and her obstinance remind me of a few people I know.

  2. Okay, you’re making me laugh too hard. 🙂

    Glad you like the tension and that Hada’s attitude is realistic. Some of my critique partners got impatient with her, but hey, she can’t climb that arc too fast at her age.

  3. Hi Julaina.

    After our session Mon., I decided to “take the plunge” into the “blog-o-sphere,” and “binge read Hada’s Fog thru Ch 18.

    Reading her (your) story so far, I want to applaud your character development and acute cultural sensitivity in presenting a complex family dynamic that keeps your reader’s engaged.

    1. Thanks, Art, I’m glad you like Hada’s Fog.
      I’m looking forward to seeing the blog you are building.

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