Are You Ready? Mother’s Day Reminder

Wordsearch with mother's day wordsMother’s Day is this Sunday, are you ready with a gift, card, or phone call? I sent my mom a card, which she should receive tomorrow. She’s going to be 93 years old this July and she loves word searches.

We will take her and my dad out to dinner and do a little shopping. Since they moved to Rossmoor from Anaheim three years ago, she doesn’t like to drive where it’s unfamiliar. She misses the malls.

Among her many jobs over the decades, her favorite was being an interior decorator.  I get calls asking me to drive her to Michael’s, Richard’s, Macy’s, etc. so she can add a little of this and a little of that to their house. In her retirement, she has helped friends decorate their homes. I’m grateful she’s in good health and energetic.

I’ll celebrate Mother’s Day for me too. I raised my son and have helped with my step-daughter and many, many students who were in my classes when I taught every subject and every age group. I remember all of them and wish their mothers a beautiful weekend.  Now that I teach older adults, I wish all of the mothers in my classes a glorious celebration and to all mothers everywhere:Mother's day gif sparkles

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