An Interview With A Witch By Mary Mackey

The Writer’s Journey

Mary_Mackey head shot“Mary Mackey Interviews San Francisco Witch Starhawk”  is the title of Mary Mackey’s blog post today. Starhawk is a novel-writing Witch who trained with Victor Anderson of the Feri Tradition. They formed Reclaiming Tradition with the purpose to bring together deep magic, personal and collective healing, political action, and practical earth healing.

Starhawk Starhawk’s new novel, City of Refuge, is a sequel to her earlier novel, The Fifth Sacred Thing, both of which are post-apocalyptic novels.

When Mackey asked Starhawk about her classes, her answer was: “I currently teach a lot of workshops, give many talks and discussions, and direct an organization called Earth Activist Training, where we teach permaculture—ecological design—with a grounding in spirit and a focus on organizing and activism.  We also give courses in social permaculture—applying ecological and systems thinking to human relationships and group dynamics. People can find out more information on my website,, and on the Earth Activist Training site.”

To read the complete interview, click here.

Starhawk The-Fifth-Sacred-ThingStarhawk's City of Refuge










Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog


Posts created 283

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