Hada’s Chapter Seventeen Part 2 Is Posted

Tear, oneHada’s Fog Chapter Seventeen Part 2 is Posted.  See Menu above.


In this chapter, Hada and Samuel have dinner. Hada, as usual, adored Samuel until he started complaining about Abe.

“Hada listened, but couldn’t shake the tattling tone from years ago. She was too tired of it to bother with a response.”


Whether Hada is aware of her reaction or not, it’s one of the first times the reader hears an annoyance with Samuel.  Later, frustration with the situation between Bira and Samuel makes her blame Bira and deny that the firstborn could be lying. Their previous strong relationship is deteriorating. Bira needs her support, but Hada has mixed emotions based on beliefs drilled into her by an abusive, cold mother who didn’t tolerate tears. The traditional belief that a wife’s duty is to her husband increases the internal struggle about her envy of modern women’s independence.


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog

Posts created 283

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