Chapter Fifteen In Hada’s Fog Is Posted

Hada cover youngChapter Fifteen in Hada’s Fog is posted. See the menu above for the book’s page.


I did not post Chapter 16 because I’ve made it a short story that I submitted for publication and I don’t want it to be rejected because I posted it here. A quick summary is that Hada shops in a New Jersey jewelry store where her vision is blurred and she guesses it’s due to stress about having to go back to California. On her way to the car, she runs into her best friend. They go to Macy’s Cafe where Hada covers up the problems in Berkeley and lies about being happy to return there. They discuss modern women who have a mind of their own and Hada secretly admires the new independent women. She evaluates her role as a wife. A modern woman wouldn’t  follow Lev  if she didn’t want to leave New Jersey for several weeks.

Hada is determined to return on her own if she decides the chaos with their sons continues to be intolerable. She would take the risk of being judged by her friend and their community by her refusal to stay in California with Lev.

Shadow of one man on floor


In Chapter Fifteen, Bira reports to Lev that she had an argument with Samuel. He tells her to move out of the house and leave their daughters with him.

The arc rises in tension involving several characters besides Hada.  This chapter is close to being the halfway point in the book.




Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of soon-to-be-released Hada’s Fog



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