A New Facebook Banner Is Posted On My Author Site

Facebook like with thumb up



My Facebook Author site needed upgrading so I took down the Machu Picchu photo I had used for a few years.  I replaced it with a banner from Viviana at Fiverr that I ordered a few days ago. She designed my Hada’s Fog book cover and I’m pleased with the Facebook banner she created this week. You can see it  click here. If you take a look, let me know how you like Vikiana’s design. Thanks.


Stacey Gustafson, click here, told me about Fiverr where you can order book covers or Facebook banners and other  products. Simple designs are $5.00. Custom cost more, but usually the fees range from $35 to $100. http://www.fiverr.com



Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog

Posts created 283

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