Hada’s Fog Chapter 14: Scene One Is Posted

Hada cover youngHada’s Fog, Chapter 14: Scene One is posted today.  See menu above for the novel’s page.




From Lev’s point of view, we see Hada distancing herself from him.  Chapter 15 will be from her point of view and we will learn how her attitude is changing. In Berkeley, we knew she was worried about her marriage, but in these two chapters we see her emotions change and rise. She doesn’t realize it is misplaced anger toward  Lev rather than face what evidence is revealing about Samuel. As she experiences intense anger toward Lev for the first time in the many years they’ve been married, she re-evaluates her role as a wife.

Hada is heading into one of the turning points on the uphill climb to the climax of the story.

snow fall
First snow of the season










Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Author of Hada’s Fog

Posts created 283

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