Working With People I Admire

Richard Santos
Richard Santos, Registration Director, Website & Onsite Coordination

The San Francisco Writers Conference has Richard and Barbara Santos industriously working behind the scenes before, during, and after the conference. They’ve helped  the directors and co-founders, Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada, since the early days when the conference was held in Hawaii.

My job is Registration Manager and when I have a problem, I head for Richard whose table is a few steps away from me. We’ve worked together during the conference for eight years, and I’ve enjoyed his humor, expertise, and friendship.



Barbara Santos, Marketing Director and Program Editor, writes the SFWC Newsletter and handles the Email Communications. She has responsibilities that are too many to list here. I look up and see her near us one minute and gone the next, solving problems everywhere. She co-authored a book with Mark Ellmen called Practice Aloha: Secrets to Living Life Hawaiian Style-Stories, Recipes and Lyrics from Hawai’i’s Favorite Folks. Click here

Barbara Santos Practice Aloha








Barbara has an essay called “Sharing Aloha with Carmel Miranda” in my anthology Written Across the Genres. Carmel Miranda is a yummy recipe she included in the essay. Click here

I missed the opportunity to take Barbara’s photo this year. So here is Richard again.









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