Hada’s Fog Chapter Eleven, Scene One is Posted

Hada’s Fog Chapter Eleven, Scene One is posted. Please see the menu above, click and scroll down to the beginning or to where you left off. Hada continues to defend Samuel, her first-born. In case you missed my post about gender and birth order of characters’ siblings, the link is below. That explanation goes for […]

Karen Cioffi Teaches Power Blogging

I just finished a four week on-line class with Karen Cioffi. She offers a tremendous amount of information and is available one-on-one support for any questions about blogging and the class assignments. I benefited from learning new terminology and new ways to use WordPress as well as how to improve my posts for SEO (search […]

Happy New Year

                      We are going to see the San Francisco fireworks at midnight. No fog, I hope.   Wishing you all the best year yet. Enjoy the LIGHT.             Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres

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