Hada’s Fog Chapter Twelve Is Posted

Hada's Fog
Hada’s Fog

Hada’s Fog, Chapter Twelve, Scene One is posted, see menu above.

Lev meets Laurence Gottfried Esq. who, in Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey, is the ally/helper in Hada’s story. Since Gottfried is a retired attorney, we learn why he is determined to help Abe.


lion head fountain





FYI  On this site I had posted Shakespeare quotes on a mug http://www.timetowritenow.com/2016/01/12/shakespeare-love-quotes-are-on-a-mug/

The rest of the quotes are posted on my other blog: http://jkleist-corwin.com/



Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres



Posts created 283

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