Content Is Key For Success In Writing

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Content well written and with passion is the key for success in writing.

Successful content might be determined by the reasons you write.

Why do you write?

  • For money
  • For fame
  • For entertainment
  • To inspire
  • To spark curiosity
  • To inform
  • To heal

Maybe you have other reasons, however, if your intentions are to have other people read your work, make the content meaningful.

Powerful content keeps the reader reading and can make a difference in someone’s life. Or perhaps your expertise hooks a reader with  facts he or she didn’t know. Find the unique elements in your topic and let your excitement become contagious.

Almost everything about Paris intrigues me and I think I could write meaningful content because of my passion for the city and the interesting experiences I had there.

Living in the information age has made an abundant of opportunities available for every speeding moment. Writers in these times have to hook a reader immediately. No one wants to read flat material or to have to wait several paragraphs or pages to get to the interesting parts.

Within the successful content key is the writer’s passion for the subject. If the writer isn’t interested, the reader won’t be either. If  writers know the reasons why they love to write, topic choices are easier to make and will end up more successful.

Why do I write? Probably for all the 7 reasons above, however, my many years as a teacher make me more enthusiastic for the last four listed.

For an example of a topic I’m passionate about, see

How Many Bridges In Paris?


[social_warfare]Why do you write and what content would lead you to success?

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