How Would You Rate Windows 10?

Windows 10

What is Windows?

The first version of Windows came out 30 years ago. Windows 1.0 was released on November 20, 1985.


Windows is considered “the world’s most used operating system with a market share still in excess of 90%.”

The reviews on the Internet for Windows 10  are positive. For example stated, “There’s perhaps not enough in Windows 10 to truly excite us but we’re glad it’s here and for the most part we do recommend that you take the upgrade.”

I’ve had it on our office computer for a few months and find it easy to use. Now we are installing Windows 10 on our home computer as well.

I’m happy with the minimal learning curve since technical changes aren’t easy for me.


Those of you who have Windows 10, what would your rating be with ten being the best?


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Editor of Written Across the Genres

Posts created 283

4 thoughts on “How Would You Rate Windows 10?

  1. Windows 10 is obviously the most complex and horrible program ever coming from Windows. I have been on computer since 3.0, Never have I had a program that requires you to search for anything you want to use in your computer., Never have I had a menu that continually has applications disappear and later re appear. Never have I had so many programs packed into this dead horse require personal information such as name, age, email addresses and their passwords and user names. Never have I experienced anything like Windows attempting to combine all the information, photos and other from all your internet sources. I think it is nothing more than a glorified spy platform.

    1. Yes, Nathan, we are finding several challenges in the installation. I hope I don’t have applications disappearing and then reappear. Best wishes for better results. Thanks for commenting.

  2. My experience has been quite different from Nathan’s. After struggling with Windows 7, 8, and 8.1, Windows 10 has been a dream. I was able to locate everything I needed within a short amount of time and couldn’t be happier with the product. I give Windows 10 a rating of 10.

    1. Wow, Linda, that is encouraging. I like using it at the office too. We just can’t figure out why it won’t work at home. We have Oma, the telephone system that goes through my computer (don’t know how to explain it) and I have a feeling it’s causing the inability to send and receive but Mitchell doesn’t know how to correct it, yet.
      Thanks for the 10, Linda. Did you install it yourself?

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