Hada’s Fog, my novel that I am blogging, is posted scene-by-scene a couple times a week. The last scene in Chapter Eleven is up today. See menu above.
In this chapter, Hada, the protagonist, has a glimmer of the possibility that her husband, Lev, might have a point concerning Samuel’s behavior. The glimmer affects her psychologically since the belief that Samuel, the first-born, could do no wrong was ingrained in her heart and mind. Hada’s mother beat her as a child, calling her stupid and no good because she wasn’t the first-born in the family.
Reality shaken, Hada hears voices.
Thank you followers who are sharing Hada. You are encouraging me more than you know.
J.K. Royce, friend and author of PILZ, kept reminding me to publish Hada’s Fog, my third NaNoWriMo novel that I spent years revising. I thought I’d have a limited audience and some members of my critique group had said Hada was an unlikable character. When I read How to Blog a Book by Nina Amir, she inspired me. Without Nina, Hada’s Fog would have stayed in a computer file. Ann Winfred surprises me at how well she understands Hada as she reads my scenes before I post them. With all of their reassurance and readers who are following the novel here, Hada’s story continues.
Julaina Kleist-Corwin
Editor of Written Across the Genres protagonist meets a challenge
I certainly hope Hada’s Fog continues. This is very good. You are showing such a grasp of the psychological consequences of the drama that occurs between family members and close friends. I look forward to reading each scene and would love to read the book straight through from beginning to end.
Thank you, Gary. I’m honored that you like Hada’s story so far. You are a well-read person so I trust your opinion. Your comments encourage me to keep blogging it.