Elopement as a Writing Prompt

Elopement makes an interesting idea for a story. Why does a couple elope? A writer who organizes the secret details into a plot arc along with character arcs develops a successful tale. On September 13, 1846, Elizabeth Barrett eloped with Robert Browning. Why? In 1838, Barret published her first poetry volume and in 1844 her […]

Guess the Author Contest on Time To Write Now

The first person who names the author the man is reading in the Time to Write and Color Mini Book will receive a free copy of my anthology, Written Across the Genres. The third page of the mini book shows the man reading and what he says is the clue. The mini book is available […]

The Writer’s Journey by Christopher Vogler

Christopher Vogler wrote in his book, The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers, that one of the most influential books of the 20th century may turn out to be Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Writers are using the “ageless patterns which Campbell identifies.” The most persistent theme is the myth of the […]

Johnny Depp Quotes

Johnny Depp is in a new movie called Black Mass. He is best known for playing Jack Sparrow, the pirate Captain. I became a fan when I saw the 1990 movie Edward Scissorhands. “I realized that Edward was all alone, and inside of all of us is this lonely little kid. Edward is a total […]

Universal Themes Used in Fiction

Chapter 4: Scene One is posted on the Hada’s Fog Page today. (See Menu Bar above.) Often, stories are based on biblical plots or mythical themes. If they are not planned on purpose, the connection reveals itself after the story is written. When I started Hada’s Fog, I didn’t have a well-known theme in mind, […]

The Use of Natural Disasters in your Fiction

This photo is one of many showing the destruction of the deadly hurricane in Galveston Texas, September 8, 1900, a  hundred fifteen years ago today. Winds raged at least 115 miles per hour and the hurricane was classified as a Category 4. The loss of life, 6,000 to 8,000 people is the worst weather-related disaster […]

Wayne Dyer eBooks

The following quote was in an email from Hay House. “But as we were preparing his obituary and information for the press release about his passing we were going through I Can See Clearly Now, his memoir for information to share about his life: we noticed that August 30th was in fact a very important […]

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