Hada’s Fog Chapter Five: Scene One Posted

Chapter Five: Scene One has been posted on Hada’s Fog page (see Menu Bar above). Hada’s reaction to staying at the Hilton doesn’t faze Lev. We hear Samuel’s voice for the first time in this scene and we observe his bond with Hada. In one of Lev’s previous chapters, Samuel is described as manipulative. We […]

How Did This Bottle-Nose Dolphin Know the Diver Could Rescue Him?

How did the bottle-nose dolphin know the diver could rescue him? “On a night-time dive near Hawaii, 2 divers were found by a bottle-nose dolphin and it started to swim around them over and over again. When looking closer, one of them discovered the reason for this strange behavior – the dolphin had a fishing […]

Milwaukee Art Museum “Van Gogh to Pollock: Modern Rebels”

I grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and remember this art museum where I saw every exhibit, often more than once. Tomorrow is the last day for the show called, Van Gogh to Pollock: Modern Rebels Masterworks from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery  “Works by the biggest names in art from the late nineteenth century to now—including […]

Women’s National Book Association Inc.

National Reading Group Month – 2015 By Kate Farrell An Atmospheric Afternoon: Five authors of must-read novels! Saturday October 10, 2015 2:00 – 4:00 pm Books, Inc., Opera Plaza 601 Van Ness Ave., SF 94107 FREE and Open to the Public Come meet our authors as they discuss their captivating novels over wine and snacks […]

Quotes for Writers

Quotes for writers or anyone who likes quotes like I do. “A book is simply the container of an idea—like a bottle; what is inside the book is what matters.” —Angela Carter “When I say work I only mean writing. Everything else is just odd jobs.” —Margaret Laurence   “I think all writing is a […]

Two Reading Group Book Choices

The book selection for August in our reading group was Jenny Offill’s Dept. of Speculation. Vogue’s praise for the novel: “Piercingly honest. . . . A series of wry vignettes that deepen movingly.” I don’t think I would call her assorted paragraphs vignettes. The Guardian (London) wrote: “Dept. of Speculation is a riposte to the […]

Inciting Incidents in Hada’s Fog

Chapter Four: Scene Two of Hada’s Fog is posted now. In Chapter One, flying to California for a lengthy stay to resolve their sons’ disagreement is the inciting incident for Hada. It jump-starts the plot and changes her world. It stirs up trouble in her marriage. Her strong objection changes the status quo and jolts […]

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