Global Citizen Festival in NYC Central Park

Global Citizen PosterThe Global Citizen Festival in NYC Central Park was televised on MSN TV today. Approximately, 60,000 people attended. If you missed it, here is the link to see the 4 hour recording:  You’ll recognize many of the musicians and speakers.

Beyonce’s performance was outstanding, with changing colored lights on the darkened stage, and dancers who joined her in powerful beats and determined movements. She sang and danced almost non-stop with sustained vitality that was mesmerizing and inspiring.

Steven Colbert and Kerry Washington among others introduced the next acts and speakers. I’m impressed with Washington’s energy and her enthusiasm for this event.  (I admire her acting on Scandal also.) She reiterated Global Citizens’ twin goals: to end extreme poverty by 2030 and to boost shared prosperity of the World Bank Group. The World Bank Group reported the progress from one year ago, “90 million people lifted themselves out of extreme poverty and an estimated 80 million more will lift themselves out of poverty next year.”

One of  Nelson Mandela’s speeches on video showed him saying, “It’s always impossible until it is done.”

Washington confirmed, “We are not a generation of bystanders, we are all global citizens.” #Global Citizen #Global Goals. World and corporate leaders are involved in achieving these global goals. Bill Gates and his wife spoke as did Michelle Obama, and Bono.

Malala from Pakistan championed another Global Citizen goal: everyone’s right to education and reminded us that 62 million girls are not in school.

Malala quote for educationMalal Yousafzai with quote









Ed Sheeran
Ed Sheeran

Kerry Washington
Kerry Washington

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