Women’s National Book Association Inc.

National Reading Group Month – 2015

Books, Inc. Opera Plaza, 601 Van Ness Ave.

An Atmospheric Afternoon:
Five authors of must-read novels!

Saturday October 10, 2015
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Books, Inc., Opera Plaza
601 Van Ness Ave., SF 94107
FREE and Open to the Public

Come meet our authors as they discuss their captivating novels over wine and snacks catered by Max’s Opera Cafe. Giveaway raffle of all books presented. Free paperback and resources for Book Clubs, along with Great Group Reads featured titles. Moderated by Julia Park Tracey.

Authors at the event are:

Carolina De Robertis, The Gods of Tango (Knopf)

The Gods of Tango book cover







Lucy Sanna, The Cherry Harvest |(William Morrow)

The Cherry Harvest





Kelli Estes, The Girl Who Wrote in Silk (Sourcebooks)

The Girl who wrote in silk





Kathryn Ma, The Year She Left Us (HarperCollins)

The year she left us





Janis Cooke Newman, A Master Plan for Rescue (Riverhead)

The Master Plan for Rescue


Come and join us on October 10. I attended last year and met several writers. There will be refreshments and raffled books which I have volunteered to conduct.

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