New Scene in Hada’s Fog

Honda Accord gray 2008I’ve posted Chapter Two, Scene Two of Hada’s Fog. It’s a short scene where Abe, the younger son appears for the first time. In the next chapter, Abe takes Hada and Lev to his home where they will be staying for a few days.

To my followers who read my posts from the alerts instead of at this site, yesterday’s post with the link to theĀ  YouTube of Elizabeth Trout was not the one that went directly to the video of Trout speaking at a bookstore about her book The Burgess Boys. If you want to see and hear Strout, click the arrow on the picture of her on this site.

Does anybody have any problems with this new website? We are working on the like button. I miss seeing which of the posts you like. We are eliminating the CAPTCHA so if you want to comment, you won’t have to fill out all those details. Thanks for your patience.


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