Historical Fiction Sample in Written Across the Genres

Reme Pick is writing a book called The Yoke.  It’s a true story set in the Philippines. The excerpt in my anthology, Written Across the Genres is about Reme running from the Japanese planes with  her newborn son, Charlie, her mother and younger sister, Alice. They left their nipa house and headed for a boat […]

Wired for Story: Lisa Cron

In my writing class, one member, Julie Royce (author of PILZ), suggested I use Lisa Cron’s Wired for Story as a “text” book. I did and we studied Cron’s take on writing for a couple months. Today, I found her TED Talk which I’m sharing here. I like to hear authors’ real voices. Some highlights […]

Dill Pickle Popcorn to Add to Story Lines

  I shopped at  Trader Joe’s today. The store featured dill pickle popcorn. The sample tasted good so I bought two bags since our college-aged daughter, Ariana, is living with us during her freshman and sophomore years. She has liked pickles since she was little.  Of course, I checked the ingredients and the flavor is […]

The Free “Time To Write And Color Mini Book” Is Available Now

The sign up is ready. Paula fixed the glitch while she was traveling. She’s the best. People who have signed up for this blog years, weeks, days, hours or possibly minutes ago will still need to sign up to receive the mini book and alerts to my new posts. Plus, the first person who comments […]

Sign Up Isn’t Ready But Hada’s Fog First Installment is Posted

Welcome to my remodeled website/blog which is still under construction. We ran into a minor glitch with the sign up.  My webmaster, Paula, left for business travel and as soon as she returns, she will fix it.  As it is now, you sign up but it doesn’t register and you don’t receive the Time to […]

Launch Test

  We are testing this upgraded site since the launch is almost done. More to come when it is complete.

Launch Day Approaches

Tuesday is the new design launch for Time to Write Now. My webmaster, Paula Gregorowicz, asked me not to post tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday so she can make the transfer from the old to the new.  All my previous posts will  be available as always. The menu bar and banner will be different. I’ll have […]

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