The Flow-State in Creativity

Flow creative bookDean Bokhari in his article “Books You Need to Read to get Your Creative Juices Flowing”, recommends two books by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. One of them is Flow. Amazon describes it “Drawing on nearly one hundred interviews with exceptional people, from biologists and physicists, to politicians and business leaders, to poets and artists, as well as his thirty years of research on the subject, Csikszentmihalyi uses his famous flow theory to explore the creative process.”

The “flow-state” is when one loses track of time, feeling unstoppable, and work on a project streams effortlessly. Csikszentmihalyi teaches us how to bring it about within our work..


Flow and Creativity





The second book is called Creativity and demonstrates how the flow-state can be controlled, not just left to chance, and how these states can take creativity to another level. He believes creativity needs to be cultivated for happier lives and “necessary for the future of our country, if not the world.”

Bokhari states that creativity is neither magical nor mysterious. It’s like a muscle, We need to build that muscle so we can maximize our own creative potential.

Let’s do it.

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