Sign Up Isn’t Ready But Hada’s Fog First Installment is Posted

sign up sign on gearWelcome to my remodeled website/blog which is still under construction. We ran into a minor glitch with the sign up.  My webmaster, Paula, left for business travel and as soon as she returns, she will fix it.  As it is now, you sign up but it doesn’t register and you don’t receive the Time to Write and Color Mini Book.  When it is ready, I’ll let you know and I’ll need you to sign up again.

Thanks for your patience.

In the meantime, Check out Hada’s Fog on the menu bar. I’ve posted part of the first chapter on Hada’s page. In keeping with my goal not to blog long posts, most of the time, the entries will be scenes. Eventually I’ll have a Table of Contents as Nina Amir suggests in her How to Blog a Book, available on Amazon.

Fog 2 for Hada The novel is character driven and in two points of view. Chapters alternate between the perspectives of Hada and her husband, Lev. The sequel’s protagonist is one of the antagonist’s in this story. The characters’ flaws raise the questions of how to forgive and how to feel real compassion.


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