Launch Day Approaches

launch with rocket

Tuesday is the new design launch for Time to Write Now. My webmaster, Paula Gregorowicz, asked me not to post tomorrow, Monday, and Tuesday so she can make the transfer from the old to the new.  All my previous posts will  be available as always. The menu bar and banner will be different. I’ll have Small Books as one choice but they are being written so they aren’t available yet, but they are coming soon. One small book is on writing, of course, one on children and adults with special needs, one on changing energy and more.

You will receive my posts in your RSS feed but you will need to submit your email again to receive alerts when I post. Since I took a couple of classes this summer, I’ll have new tips and info for you in the future.

I highly recommend Paula Gregorowicz.

She is a patient, efficient, prompt, knowledgeable webmaster. I panicked several times during the process of this remodel and she was there to calm and reassure me. I like change but when it comes to technology, change scares me since I don’t know if I’ll learn the new way of doing what took me so long to implement when I produced Time to Write Now on my own. I know Paula will be there if I need her. What a comfort to know she’s just an email away,

Frances Caballo is helping me with my social media right now.  Paula and Frances work together on my site. I’m happy to have two guides by my side.

Frances' book blogging for writersFrances's Avoid Time Suck

That’s all for now. I’ll be back in a couple of days.

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