3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge — Day 2

Here it is Day 2 of the 3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge. Thanks again to Erika Kind  9781452593708_COVER.indd

from https://erikakind.wordpress.com for the invitation to participate.

My quote:

“The historical novelist gleans the rubble of the past, tastes the grit, extracts the jewels.”

Sheila Bali wrote it in her blog post titled “How History Leads to Historic Fiction” published in my anthology Written Across the Genres.

Sheila photo on webFrontCover of Written Across the GenresHI

Sheila’s work in progress is Shattered Tears for My Homeland about her escape as a child from Hungry during the revolution in 1956.

The rules for the challenge are:

  • Thank the blogger, who nominated you.
  • Post one of your favorite quotes (different quote on each day) on three consecutive days. The quote can be from your favorite book, author, or your own. Don’t forget to acknowledge the source with a link.
  • Nominate three bloggers to challenge them.

My nominees:




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