Hada’s Fog Will Be a Blogged Book

Fog 2 for Hada

After reading Nina Amir’s book, How to Blog a Book, I’ve decided to blog Hada’s Fog. A new scene or chapter will be posted three times a week. I’ve wanted the drafts I’ve written to be perfect before letting anyone, besides my critique group, read it, but Amir said some people blog a first or second draft of a novel or non-fiction book.  When the posts are completed, they are put into manuscript form, sent to an independent editor, revised, and then made into an E-book or printed on demand, or whatever way is preferred. Amir states on p. 78, “You want to put your best words forward–up to a point. You don’t want to become a perfectionist or this will deter you from publishing posts frequently.

“Consider your blogged book your first or second draft.” On P. 79, she reassures the writer again, “The blogged version does not have to be perfect, and hopefully you’ll find that fact to be creatively freeing.” Amir gave me confidence that my Hada’s Fog posts could be a draft. She’s right, that fact is creatively freeing. After all the time I’ve spent on the novel, why not blog it?

My webmaster is on vacation, and I have questions in regard to where the novel chapters will be posted. I think Hada’s Fog will need it’s own blog site. Time to Write Now will continue to be various topics about writing, but I also can use it to let readers know when a new scene or chapter has been posted to Hada’s blog.

Amir said she maintained four blogs while she posted How to Blog a Book. She wrote and published her first draft on the internet in five months. She sent her finished, polished final version to her agent who marketed the book. After a few rejections, she sent it to Writer’s Digest Books for the second time. She was eager to get the book out quickly. “I wanted to be first to market with the idea. I told her (the agent) I would self-publish if need be…”   The acquisitions editor and the publisher accepted the book if Amir would agree to write 10,000 more words. Writer’s Digest Books wanted to be first to market the concept too, so she was given a deadline of just eight weeks for the additional word count. She met the due date in spite of a busy time in her life. Her traditionally published book proved that the advice she had written in it for blogging a book “really does work.”


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