Roles of Minor Characters in Fiction

Minor characters in fiction are supposed to complement the major characters and move the plot forward. A simple definition, but Orson Scott Card wrote an article for Writers Digest that explains other ways to use minor characters. Card describes the unimportant minor characters he calls  “walk-ons” or placeholders. They are not important to the story […]

Point Of View in Fiction And Blogging Hada’s Fog

When deciding on a point of view in fiction, usually what is thought of is first person, second person, or third person. The other consideration is as it says in the image on the left, “Through whose eyes does the author tell his or her story? Who is the narrator of the story?” In Hada’s […]

The Flow-State in Creativity

Dean Bokhari in his article “Books You Need to Read to get Your Creative Juices Flowing”, recommends two books by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. One of them is Flow. Amazon describes it “Drawing on nearly one hundred interviews with exceptional people, from biologists and physicists, to politicians and business leaders, to poets and artists, as well […]

How To Dig a Hole

My last post was about procrastination from an article by Dean Bokhari. He recommended 5 books to “get your creative juices flowing.” One of the books, I described in yesterday’s post was The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Another book he listed is Lateral Thinking– Creativity Step by Step by Edward de Bono who […]

Picasso and Procrastination

I chose Picasso’s painting called The Dream for this post’s image because we all have a dream of what we want to accomplish. During my writing class on Monday, we discussed writing goals for the next couple weeks while we have a break. I suggested to at least use the two hours a week that […]

What Do Shoes and #Swalwelling Have in Common?

Yesterday’s post showed a picture of Hada’s blue shoes. (See top menu Hada’s Fog.)  Her husband, Lev, wears shoes like the one pictured here. When I arrived at my writing class today, some members told me about #Swalwelling. Hada’s shoe reminded them of the article in the local newspaper, Contra Costa Times News section titled […]

A Motif in Hada’s Fog

  The segment that ends Chapter One in Hada’s Fog is entered. You can go to the above menu, click on Hada’s Fog. Chapter One, Scene Two is first. Hada’s footwear is a motif in the novel.  She dresses up for traveling, but her blue shoes hurt her swollen feet. She tries to hide the […]

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