Machu Picchu Peru Discovered this Day in 1911

American historian Hiram Bingham discovered Machu Picchu, one of my favorite places on earth, on July 24, 1911. Its location was kept a secret for hundreds of years until Bingham searched for what was considered one of the “lost” cities of the Incas. states: “Traveling on foot and by mule, Bingham and his team […]

Website and Blog

Time to Write Now will be down for a few days while my website master works on my site. I’m not sure when that will happen, but sometime between late next week and August 12th. A new look replaces the row of books and the green background. The blog’s name and link will be the […]

Writing Prompt

Now that summer is half over and school will begin in about a month, how have your children spent their free time? Our house is in a court with three families who have children under the age of 11. They’ve been playing basketball and baseball in the mornings and evenings. The afternoon is too hot. […]

Blogging Books and Book a Blog

Today I listened to a replay of a youtube presentation by Nina Amir and Joel Friedlander. I have Nina’s book titled How to Blog a Book, but this webinar expanded the opportunities that she explained in her book . She has teamed up with Friedlander to package several templates and a guidebook to aid writers […]

Poetry in Written Across the Genres

In Written Across the Genres, the romance section, Mary Lou Haugh contributed two poems and E.A. Provost entered one. Haugh’s “A Forbidden Night” and “Love at Our Heels” are from her book, Love At Our Heels – A collection of Poems. E.A. Provost wrote “What a Hand Weighs” and she can be found on Twitter: […]

Novel Writing Quotes

 Gene Wolfe said, “You never learn how to write a novel. You only learn to write the novel you’re on.” “The protagonist is the character whose fate matters most to the story.” Stephen Koch

Setting in a Novel

This week I finished chapters 18 and 19 in my romantic alternative reality novel, Norman in the Painting. Jill Steele, the protagonist, doesn’t like to visit Viv, her older sister in their family home. When their parents died, Viv inherited the house, which Jill didn’t want anyway. Living there in her childhood  was not a […]

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