Women’s National Book Association

WNBA small badgeWomen’s National Book Association Board meeting is tomorrow with a pot luck to re-energize in making decisions for our next year’s activities. I’m the secretary and still write the minutes in my own made-up shorthand from years ago. For me, it’s faster than using a laptop.  We like new members so if you’re interested, go to http://www.wnba-books.org/membership-info

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The purposes of WNBA are educational and charitable. WNBA came into being to inform book women about matters relevant to themselves and the book world so that these women could inform and help one another.

That’s what we still do, through actions such as these:

  • Bring together women and men who are active in the world of books
  • Educate and inform the public about the need to create, produce, distribute, and use books
  • Respond to requests for information about books and the allied arts and generate and support projects that help to disseminate such information
  • Serve as a catalyst for all in the book community who wish to work together, and
  • Promote recognition of women’s achievements in the book industry.

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