J. K. Rowling’s Birthday

Happy Birthday today, July 31st to J. K. Rowling author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. She is 50 years old and was born in Gloucestershire, England, named Joanne “Jo” Rowling.  She was a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International when she had the idea for the Potter novels. The books sold more than […]

Distracted by Lindsey Stirling

I intended to work on my writing projects when I settled down at the computer this evening after visiting a dear friend who is 94 years old. Somehow, I ended up on YouTube for two hours watching Lindsey Stirling videos.  What is amazing about her is she dances while playing the violin. She not only […]

Story Prompts About Characters Meeting

The romance genre isn’t the only one to have two people miles apart who come closer and meet. If you aren’t a romance writer, think of a story line that brings two characters together. In a  mystery or thriller, one could be a criminal and the other a law enforcer who knows about the criminal […]

Elle Luna’s Book and Creative Mornings Talk

I am a fan of TED talks and this evening I found Creative Morning Talks featuring Elle Luna. Here is the link. It’s 30 minutes and worth every second. http://creativemornings.com/talks/elle-luna/1 w.amazon.com/Crossroads-Should-Must-Follow-Passion/dp/0761184880/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 If you’d rather read the concept of “the crossroads” the above amazon link will take you to her book. Let me know what you […]

Verlyn Klinkenborg’s Book About Sentences

Verlyn Klinkenborg’s book, Several Short Sentences About Writing, has an unusual format. There is no Table of Contents and the sentences are arranged like a poem. The first page starts with a paragraph with no title. “Here, in short, is what I want to tell you. Know what each sentences says, What it doesn’t say, […]

E.L.Doctorow Quotes

E.L. Doctorow passed away last week Wednesday, July 22, 2015, at age 84. Doctorow was a heavy smoker and died of complications involving lung cancer. He was born in the Bronx on January 6, 1931. His parents were second-generation Americans of Russian Jewish extraction and named their son Edgar after Edgar Allen Poe. Doctorow wrote […]

A Quote About Travel

“The world is a book, And those who do not travel, Read only a page.” By Saint Augustine To me, reading a book is traveling. When I read Aegean Dream by Dario Ciriello, I felt as if I had gone to the Island of Skopelos. When something reminds me about the book, I can imagine […]

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